Ways to know fear is holding you back
In the end, no matter where you are in your book, it comes down to your mindset. We, as writers, have ideas of how we want our books to turn out and it's disappointing when things don't turn out that way.
Joining the crew of freelance editors
I’ve been debating about doing this for a while and I’ve decided to take the plunge...
Progress Update: A new deadline approaches
And those that read my previous post about school, know that it didn’t work out in my favor. So now, this brings me here: a couple of months into the year with a new deadline.
The attempt at an ideal writing day
When it comes to writing, getting any kind of time in is ideal. I think when you're creating your own ideal writing day, or a general ideal day, the root of it is time management. How do you spend your time normally and how do you want to change it, or what are the things you want to hold yourself accountable for?
A lesson in rejection
The email was crack in my confidence--I almost started to cry. I had my thoughts of how it would go if I got accepted. I was ready for that. I was excited for it.